Logo Design

Logo Design
Logo Design

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The Logo Symbol

A sign that everyone is familiar with, the ‘Logo’.
It is the signature of a brand, to identify a certain product, service, business or brand experience with.

A logo typically comes in the following variations:

  • Symbolic
  • Typographic
  • Abstract
  • Or a combination of the above types

Since the brand, the quality of its products and service actually makes it successful, there is no ultimate choice within these 3 variations. You can have the most beautiful and attractive logo in the world, but if the brand doesn’t live up to the consumer’s expectations and promises, it really doesn’t matter.

The most successful logos though, all have one factor in common: Simplicity.

If your brand mainly lives online or digitally, we have a bit more lenience towards gradient, shadows, and patterns, yet… it is always wise to thoroughly test optional versions per type of media.

So, we know that a logo is not a brand, a brand is not a logo.

Naturally, their existence is strongly intertwined: See the logo, think of the brand, think of the brand, see the logo in your minds’ eye.

Brand awareness vs. Brand Recognition pur sang. The logo mark is the ‘hook-in’ to the brand experience. Your audience needs to feel reassured, appreciated, and they’ll share their experiences with friends, peers, on social media.

Increasing your brand exposure and instant recognition is the main task for this typical symbol.


A Logo is NOT a Brand!

Although a stubbornly lingering assumption by many, this is incorrect.

Rather, a logo is a mark for people to verify the legitimacy of the brand, a symbol to associate the brand experience and brand identity with.

Instead, a Brand identity is made up of:

  1. The Logo symbol
  2. The Name
  3. Tagline (Aka. Strap line)
  4. Mascot
  5. Colors
  6. Typeface (Often called ‘font’)
  7. Aesthetics of Design

Logo Design Examples

perpetual media
#marketing #seo #saas #interlinking
#games #gaming #now
#2020bar #popupbar
#mantisapparel #style
#industry #service #Ecommerce
#slowcooking #restaurant
#spartans #spartanlion
#linktofit #befit #getfit
#3dart #3dviz
#Ecommerce #jewelry #affiliate
#resort #alive
#dutchfish #fishdelight
#traveler #vietnam

Logo Design Brief

For an effective design process for your logo, take the following considerations into account:

  • Check the designer’s portfolio for originality;
  • Make sure your brief to the designer is following the brand guidelines and vision;
  • The more detailed the brief, the better your designer can come up with viable options to choose from;
  • Make sure the design (and the brief) is not over-complicated. Remember to stay within KISS (Keep It Simple Stup*d);
  • Is the final design flexible enough to work well across a variety of media, fe. online, printed, mobile vs. desktop
    Or does your brand mainly live online?
  • Is it a timeless design? Trends come and go, your brand is here to stay.

The Strapline

When you start to brainstorm your strapline (aka. Tagline) you’ll want to take the following approach:

  • Summarize your brand proposition;
  • Be memorable;
  • Be apt, or witty.

It is also an excellent opportunity to display your brand’s tone of voice, straightaway.

Keep it snappy, authentic, positive and ideally the strapline summarizes the brand’s core principles in around 5-8 words. And most of all, of course, it needs to be authentic and applicable to your brand’s vision.

Some Extra take-aways for creating your tagline:

  • Audit by native speaker;
  • Poll it on a select audience;
  • Take your time. Weight it.

Brand Guidelines

Brand Guidelines guarantee a consistent messaging throughout your publications online, and for print media. It gives your team a handhold and reference to work from.

Have a look at the next example of how setting up a well thought-out corporate identity can help you, and your team, by providing you with a solid set of guidelines to keep your brand on the right track.

A brand guidelines (aka. Corporate Identity or Style Guide) package usually consists of:

Why Branding

Why would you care for a Branding Strategy for your product and company?

Use of conscious & durable branding, creates a stable identity for your company or service. By genuinely connecting with your audience you create customers for-life. Making them lifelong ambassadors by having great experiences with your brand. Nurturing personal relationships—facilitating the opportunity to scale your business.

Branding plays a critical role in today’s online marketing climate. Creating Brand Credibility & (tracking of) Brand Loyalty are more current than ever. Only a credible brand can build brand loyalty, and grow its audience.

Poor implementation of the brand strategy creates inconsistent messaging, alienating your (future) customers, and thus leading to a degradation of the brand perception. A worrisome situation you’d want to avoid at any cost.

Branding Guidelines Example

Branding Guidelines Example
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Blog Post Header Design



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