Logo Animation

Logo Animations
Logo Animations

Animation is All

Need a Bumper?

Logo Animations are the ultimate way of communicating your brand’s vision in an effective manner.

In mere seconds you’re able to express what you stand for, set a mood, even raise expectations.

Say no more, let’s have a look!

Logo Animation 360

SVG Logo Animations

Logo Animation Reel

Video Bumper Maker

2D Logo Animations for your videos, as bumper, intro, outro. There’s no doing without, is there now?

Includes a storyboard, if we go more complex, to make sure all parties involved are well informed, and kept up to date with any changes desired and milestones signed off on.

  • 2D Animation
  • 2D Logo Animation
  • Bumper Logo Videos
  • Bumper Video Maker
  • Logo Bumper
  • Logo Animations
  • Mood Board
  • Special Effects
  • Storyboard
  • SVG Animations
  • SVG Logo Animation
  • Vector Animation
  • Video Editing


As for any animation created for you, a storyboard is provided. This storyboard is based on your input, and desired effect, or you can just instruct to ‘do the best you can’, and put your trust in me for coming up with the best solution for your brand. Trust me: Countless awesome animations were crafted during the past 25 years I’ve been in this business; Timing will be impeccable, a maximum result is always the main target, respect and applicability to your brand’s audience is always on the forefront.

Below you’ll find an example storyboard for one of the projects crafted recently:

Animation Phase 01
Animation Phase 02
Animation Phase 03
Animation Phase 04
Animation Phase 05
Animation Phase 06
SVG Logo Animation: Icons explained

Final SVG Logo Animation

As you’ll see, the original storyboard differs a little still from the end-result. Which is fine! And it is completely understandable that once you see what is possible, you’ll have some additional requests.

The storyboard is mainly to get ‘the big idea’ across.

Revisions and iterations are expected to occur, so please, make sure you view your SVG logo animation thoroughly, consult your team, audience it to a select group.

Note your additional comments, and you’ll receive a new sample promptly.

Functionality included in this SVG animation:

  • Mouse-over initiates replay;
  • Customizable number of repeats
    (99 in this example);
  • Click leads visitor to web address
    (top of this page in this example);
  • SEO support: Title and Description
  • Capped animation duration
    (15 seconds in this example).

Providing the following services:

  1. Multi-Media Productions
  2. Web Design
  3. E-Commerce
  4. SEO Services
  5. Graphic Design
  6. Vector Artwork
  7. Logo Animations
  8. Brand Creation
  9. Brand Management
  10. 3D Art & Animation
  11. Motion Graphics SFX
  12. Video Editing
  13. Copy-writing
  14. Content Creation

Don’t see your desired service listed?
Please feel free to send an inquiry, I have some really smart friends!

Please use the form below to voice your ambitions:

Contact Form

Brand Design

The Logo
Says it

Learn More

“Sign here, please”.

A wink to a signage we are all familiar with, the ‘Logo’. The signature of a brand we identify a certain product, business or brand experience with.

Since the brand, the quality of its products and service actually makes it successful, there is no ultimate choice for the shape of your logo. Yet, there is one thing that always matters (most)…

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